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पाठकों के लेख: Capt.Dinesh kapoor……In Hindu dharma Cow is worshipped and Gousewa is sacred .

BKsood chief editor

Bksood chief editor

In Hindu dharma Cow is worshipped and Gousewa is sacred since ages.
Since last few decades Cows are on roads.

In short, Cow politics has become an Epitome of corruption. Government is collecting revenue from liquor but till date in last 4 years nothing has been done concrete.
Instead of opening cow shelters for 1000and 500 cows. It would have been more practical if shelters were built for 20 to 30cows every 10 kms. These shelters would have been easy to manage at local level and most of them could run on donations avoiding delays in land, infrastructure etc and could have done at panchayat level
1000cows means an amount of Lacs and Lacs per month transaction with an army of more supervisors than workers and will definitely become an Epitome of corruption.
If nothing concrete is Done in the coming 6 months at micro level. The CURSE OF GAUMATA is going to be last Nail in the coffin of those responsible for bad condition of GAUMATA eating plastic, living on Roads in the bitter cold.

RTI reveals that crores have been collected in the name of गौमाता.

Need of hour is, Go for a piece of land, tin shed and local veterinary authority to be made responsible, few locals on pay roll and a committee at village level for supervision

Its better to be late than never before the elections to avoid गौमाता शाप, Are they listening? or are busy in hoarding money collected in the name of our Hindus मां.

Writer :capt. Dinesh Kapoor.

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