*CSIR-IHBT Palampur Hosts Roadshow and Demonstration of E-Tractor and E-Tiller Developed by CSIR-CMERI Durgapur*
Showcasing Sustainable Agricultural Innovations for the Himalayan Region

*CSIR-IHBT Palampur Hosts Roadshow and Demonstration of E-Tractor and E-Tiller Developed by CSIR-CMERI Durgapur*

Palampur: 20 march:
The CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur hosted the roadshow and demonstration of the E-Tractor and E-Tiller developed by CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur. The programme aims to promote sustainable agriculture mechanization and generate awareness about the latest developments in the field.
Dr. Naveen Kumar, Vice Chancellor CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur was the Chief guest of the function. He appreciated the efforts of CSIR towards farm mechanization vis-à-vis environmental conservation. He said that Himachal Pradesh being an agricultural state requires innovations catering to small land holdings.
Dr. Kuldeep Singh Dhiman, Deputy Director, Agriculture, was the guest of honour. In his address, he highlighted the technological and engineering inputs provided by the CSIR labs towards doubling farmers’ income. He said such innovations are the need of the hour and the government offers subsidies on these.
Director CSIR-CMERI, Dr. Naresh Chandra Murmu, was also present on the occasion. He presented the details of the work being carried out at the institute and the salient features of the recently developed technologies that cater to societal development. He said that the E-tractor and E-tiller are user-friendly and can be easily operated by females. He thanked CSIR-IHBT for the help rendered in organizing this programme.
Prior to this, Dr. Sudesh Kumar Yadav, Director CSIR-IHBT welcomed the guests and complimented CSIR-CMERI for coming up with such environment-friendly mechanization. He highlighted the institute’s contribution towards farmers’ welfare, particularly the aroma and floriculture missions that are bringing changes in the livelihood of rural people.
More than 150 farmers were present on the occasion. They not only saw the live demonstration of the tractor and tiller but also had first-hand experience of driving the machines.