*CSIR-IHBT, Palampur under CSIR Floriculture Mission-II distributed 2.15 lakh Chrysanthemum rooted cuttings*

CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR-IHBT), Palampur under CSIR Floriculture Mission-II distributed 2.15 lakh Chrysanthemum rooted cuttings to 23 farmers of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Uttarakhand on 22nd and 23rd August 2023.In India, non-availability of the quality planting material is a major hurdle in floriculture sector.
CSIR Floriculture Mission is a nation-wide program being implemented in 22 states with an aim to enhance the income of farmers and develop entrepreneurship through high value floriculture utilizing CSIR technologies.
The CSIR-IHBT has been active in boosting the nations’s floriculture business. The institute has standardized technologies for plant multiplication and cultivation of floriculture crops in open as well as protected environments.
Dr Sudesh Kumar Yadav, Director, CSIR-IHBT said that the disease free quality planting material being distributed under the mission is helping in increasing the farmers’ income.
Dr. Bhavya Bhargava, Mission Nodal, CSIR-IHBT, told that this year the institute proposes to provide quality planting material for covering an area of 170 ha in five states.
The benefited farmers from different states expressed their gratitude towards CSIR-Floriculture Mission and CSIR-IHBT for providing them the quality planting material.