Subject-The officials of Municipal Council Kharar clearly refused to provide drinking water to the people of Shivalik Home Colony. The officials asked the people to go to the court.
Honourable Chief Minister Sir Sat Sri Akal, Sir, I want to tell you that today the residents Shivalik Home Colony Kharar were called by the officials of Municipal Council Kharar to solve the drinking water problem in Shivalik Home Colony, but the officials of Municipal Council Kharar are far from solving the problem. Kharar’s Municipal Council Officer Sahib is telling the people to go to the court with their problems. Sir, people are being mentally exploited by taking all types of taxes from the Municipal Council, Kharar. Sir, huge amount of rigging has been going on in the Municipal Council Kharar for the past many years. The common man is being looted a lot. Sir, in the colonies which are unapproved, NOCs have been issued indiscriminately, which is a big fraud on the common people by the officials of the Municipal Council Kharar. Sir, development charges have been taken from the people, but by taking all the taxes from the people, people are being tortured for drinking water and these people are being mentally exploited. Sir, I have a humble request to you to stop the harassment of people by immediately intervening in this and stop mental exploitation of people.
reply on phone from EO MC Kharar
don’t worry Arun sir ,
I had detail talk with EO Kharad he he seems to be very positive about the problems and told that there is no approval of this Colony builder might have misguided /misleaded the residents /investors that everything is ok for this project and all approvals are there where as the project/colony was not approved by any competent authority of punjab.
. However on humanitarian ground he is thinking positively to restore and provide water supply to the residence .He seems to be very positive about your problem..