*Dr. R .P. Awasthi ईमानदारी कर्तव्यनिष्ठा की प्रतिमूर्ति पूर्व कुलपति हॉर्टिकल्चर यूनिवर्सिटी सोलन*
अगर आप ईमानदारी पसंद है पूरी उम्र मेहनत से काम करते हैं आप किसी बहुत ही प्रतिष्ठित संस्थान के सर्वोच्च पदस्थ अधिकारी भी रह चुके हैं( former VC of Horticulture university Solan)। आपके बच्चे भी सरकारी क्लास वन ऑफिसर हैं तो आपके पास 40 साल की नौकरी के बाद सिर्फ इतना छोटा सा घर परिवार ही होगा। कोई बड़ी कोठी नहीं होगी ।कहीं पर बहुत से प्लॉट्स नहीं होंगे ।कहीं पर फ्लैट्स नहीं होंगे ।केवल मात्र आप अपने बच्चों को पढ़ा सकेंगे उनकी शादियां कर सकेंगे एक छोटा सा घर बना पाएंगे। इससे ज्यादा आपके पास कुछ नहीं होने वाला ईमानदारी की राह पर चलते हुए ।यह जो आप तस्वीर देख रहे हैं
यह ऐसे ही किसी ईमानदार परिवार की कहानी है आप इनके रहन-सहन से अंदाज लगा सकते हो कितने सीधे साधे और साधारण इंसान हैं और इनके पास जो कुछ भी संपत्ति है वह आपके सामने ही है पिक्चर में दिखाई दे रही है इनकी कुल संपत्ति इनका परिवार है ना कोई कोठी ना कोई फ्लैट ना कोई प्लॉट।
हां इसमें कोई शक नहीं कि इनके बच्चे भी क्लास वन ऑफिसर हैं सरकारी नौकरी में है। परंतु इमानदारी से तो इतना सा ही स्टैंडर्ड मेंटेन कर सकते हैं। अगर आपको बड़ी-बड़ी SUV रखनी है ,फ्लैट रखने हैं, प्लॉट खरीदने हैं उसके लिए तो आपको एक्स्ट्रा efforts करने ही पड़ते हैं ।वह एफर्ट्स किस रूप में होते हैं यह आप भली-भांति समझ ही गए होंगे। डॉक्टर अवस्थी अपने सुपुत्र इंजीनियर आदित्य अवस्थी के साथ
डॉक्टर RP अवस्थी जीवन काल के बारे में एक छोटी सी जानकारी ।
Born on 5th January 1941 at Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, Dr Awasthi obtained M.Sc. in Horticulture in 1965 and Ph.D. in Horticulture in 1969 from Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana. He was conferred fellowship of the Horticulture society of India in 2004.Dr Awasthi has 33 years of experience in teaching research and extension in Horticulture, particularly temperate fruits on important positions as Head of the Department of Horticulture, Dean, College of Horticulture Director of Research and Vice Chancellor from March 1999 to march 2002. He was National Consultant on FAO project on Apple Production Improvement from March 2004 to Dec., 2005 and consultant to the Department of Horticulture, Arunanchal Pradesh from 2006 to 2007
Dr Awasthi has intensively worked on temperate fruits and successfully demonstrated high density plantings in apple and peach. He has also established demonstration orchards on high density plantings in Himachal and Uttrakhand in the FAO Project on Apple Production Improvement. He has edited three books and contributed more than 160 research papers and chapters in the books. He has guided 10 M.Sc. and 13 Ph.D. students. He was awarded a memento by the HSI for contributions to the society and for organizing a national seminar on Emerging Trends in Temperate Fruits in India at Solan He is recipient of the GL Chadha Memorial Medal during 1996 for outstanding contributions in the field of Temperate Horticulture, and Vasantrao Naik Memorial Gold Medal for a paper on Export Oriented Horticulture Production-Research and Strategies at College of Agriculture Nagpur in Dec 1993.He was Executive Councillor of the HSI for more than 20 Years and Vice President of the HSI from 2007- 2010.
In the varietal improvement work on apples, Dr Awasthi identified and popularized many regular bearing spur varieties such as, Red Chief, Oregon Spur and colored mutants such as Top Red and Vance Delicious While he was working in the Apple Production Improvement Programme of the FAO /Ministry of Agriculture, he identified 20 latest varieties known for quality regular bearing and international acceptance and introduced these verieties (Honey Crisp Braeburn, Gale Gala, Super Chief, Red Fuzi 12,Auvil Early Fuzi, Sun Fuzi,Sansa,Pink Lady)to establish Collection Blocks in Himachal and Uttrakhand in Jan.-Feb 2006.He also established mother tree orchards at Chaubattia Uttrakhand and Bajaura,HP.
Dr Awasthi was on consultancy with the Government of Sri Lanka in Nov. 1988 and with the Government of Bhutan in Oct-Nov.1991.He has undergone FAO fellowship training during 1982 in USA/UK and Agribusiness training during 1996.He has participated in Watershed Management Planning Workshop at Chiangmai during 1999 and Bangkok during 2000 and International symposium on Mountain Agriculture in the Himalayan Region at ICIMOD Kathmandu. Dr Awasthi has been member of the Curricula and Equivalence Committee, Subject Matter Committee in Horticulture Science Sectorial Committee on Accreditation Norms and New Institutions and programmes of the ICAR,Member Technology Dissemination Management Committee, Member of the Working Group on Horticulture Development for the 10″ five year plan and Member Steering Committee of the National Horticulture Mission.HSI-Shivashakthi Life Time Achievement Award for 2012 is awarded to Dr R.P. Awasthi